Hall D-E, Cotai Expo,The Venetian Macao
日期 Date |
時間 Time |
主要活動 Main Activities |
地點 Venue |
23-25/04 |
09:00-23:00 |
進場搭建 Booth Set up and Decoration |
D-E館 Hall D-E |
25/04 |
09:00-19:00 |
參展商報到 Exhibitors Registration |
D館門前大會服務台 Hall D Service Center, foyer area |
15:00-23:00 |
特邀買家報到 Hosted Buyers Registration |
巴黎人酒店 The Parisian Macao |
26/04 (專業觀眾) (Trade Visitors) |
09:00-18:00 |
專業配對洽談 B2B Business Matching |
D-E館 Hall D-E |
10:30-11:00 |
第七屆澳門國際旅遊(產業)博覽會 開幕儀式(僅限受邀嘉賓) Opening Ceremony of 7th MITE (By invitation) |
D館主舞台 Hall D Main stage |
11:00-11:15 |
“共慶回歸二十載繽紛多彩澳門遊” 特展開館儀式
Opening Ceremony of |
D館 Hall D |
11:16-11:30 |
嘉賓巡館 VIP tour |
D-E館 Hall D-E |
15:00-17:30 |
葡語國家旅遊產品推介會 Promotion Seminar of Tourism Products for Portuguese-Speaking Countries (由旅遊局與中國—葡語國家經貿合作論壇(澳門) 常設秘書處合辦) (Co-organized by MGTO andPermanent Secretariat of the Forum for Economic and Trade Co-operation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries (Macao)) |
多功能廳 Multi-functional Room |
15:30-17:00 |
「綠色美食之旅」學術分享會 “The Great Green Food Journey" educational session |
D館主舞台 Hall D Main stage |
18:30-20:30 |
澳門旅遊局歡迎晚宴(憑請柬入場) Welcome Dinner hosted by Macao Government Tourism Office (By invitation) |
澳門喜來登金沙城中心大酒店五樓喀什宴會廳 Sheraton Grand Macao Hotel, Cotai Central, Level 5,KashgarBallroom |
27/04 (對外開放) (Public) |
10:00-20:00 |
展覽開放(對外開放) Expo opens (Public) |
D-E館 Hall D-E |
10:00-14:00 |
自由配對洽談 Individual Business Matching |
D-E館 Hall D-E |
10:30-20:00 |
文創工作坊 Cultural and Creative Workshop |
E館文創館 Cultural and Creative Pavilion, Hall E |
11:00-12:30 |
青年與文綺華局長真情對話 (僅限受邀嘉賓) Genuine Dialogue between Youths and MGTO Director (By invitation) |
多功能廳 Multi-functional Room |
12:35-13:00 |
合作諒解備忘錄簽署儀式 MOU Signing Ceremony |
D館主舞台 Hall D Main stage |
14:30-16:00 |
粵港澳大灣區景點行政總裁交流 Greater Bay Area Attractions’ CEO Exchange (由促進澳門建設粵港澳大灣區旅遊教育培訓基地聯盟組織) (Organized by The Alliance for Developing Macao into the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Tourism Education and Training Base) |
D館主舞台 Hall D Main stage |
16:30-18:00 |
灣區成功職涯攻略 Building Successful Careers in the Greater Bay Area (由促進澳門建設粵港澳大灣區旅遊教育培訓基地聯盟組織) (Organized by The Alliance for Developing Macao into the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Tourism Education and Training Base) |
D館主舞台 Hall D Main stage |
18:00-20:00 |
文藝表演 Cultural performance |
D館主舞台 Hall D Main stage |
28/04 (對外開放) (Public) |
10:00-20:00 |
展覽開放(對外開放) Expo opens (Public) |
D-E館 Hall D-E |
10:30-19:00 |
目的地旅遊推介 Travel Promotion Seminar |
多功能廳 Multi-functional Room |
10:30-19:00 |
文創工作坊 Cultural and Creative Workshop |
E館文創館 Cultural and Creative Pavilion, Hall E |
11:00-12:00 |
"養心聖地神秘從江" 2019貴州從江旅遊(澳門)推介會 Promotion‧2019 Macao |
D館主舞台 Hall D Main stage |
12:30-20:00 |
文藝表演 Cultural performance |
D館主舞台 Hall D Main stage |
20:00-23:00 |
撤展 Booth dismantling |
D-E館 Hall D-E |